Holiday Villa Portugal

Alojamento Local Number 25719/AL - with Turismo de Portugal

Holiday Villa Portugal

Disclaimer - Hazardous Areas and Activities

If you choose to book through Abritel or VRBO or Airbnb, you will not need to complete this contract, and you can make a booking instantly, though it will cost a little more.

Three (3) documents comprise the basis of a contract between us, this document, the Contract, and the Terms and Conditions. Please read and complete all three documents where appropriate, and either e-mail them back to me with your agreement to their contents, or print all three documents, complete and sign where appropriate (if unsure, please contact me for advice), then send them to me at the following address:

Andrew Sanderson, Little Berkeley, 1 Berkeley Gardens, Parkfield Street, Rowhedge, Colchester, Essex CO5 7BD England UK

Any use of the property known as Rua do Seixo No. 22, Pregoinho, 3440-136 Couto do Mosteiro, Santa Comba Dão, Viseu, Portugal is subject to the following disclaimer:

"I", "me", "my", and other words in the first person refer to Andrew Sanderson, Proprietor.

The property is not a padded cell. The main house, its annexes and outbuildings, the garden, swimming pool and other facilities on the site are of older style and age, and do not in general conform to the most modern standards. Therefore, certain areas require an additional amount of care and common sense when traversed or used.

Except in the case of my gross negligence proved in court, I shall be held harmless against any and all liability, loss of life and/or property, damage or expense, including, without limitation, legal fees and other costs of litigation, resulting from any and all swimming pool accidents or other incidents occurring at my property arising from any reason, including (but not limited to) the incompetence, carelessness, or lack of control of guests.

The entire property contains dangers normally encountered in any home, including (but not limited to) water, electricity, steam, trip hazards, slippery floors, slippery bath and shower room surfaces, steps and stairs, weakened furniture, combustible materials, poisonous chemicals, hard surfaces, pointed objects, glass mirrors, etc. Normal caution is to be exercised by all guests when using the property and its outbuildings, pool and garden facilities, in addition to the specific points raised below.

This disclaimer must be signed by the person or their agent making the booking, at the time of booking, or the contract cannot be made. However, if for any reason this disclaimer is not signed, any contract otherwise made will remain valid with this disclaimer as part of its terms.

Any clause within this disclaimer found not to be enforceable will not invalidate the remainder of the disclaimer, nor any part of the contract, and the remaining clauses will continue to apply.





Please indicate your acceptance of the above disclaimer by ticking ONE of the boxes below and adding your visit dates and signature.

Disclaimer form to be completed by the organiser of all visiting parties:

I, [Name] _______________________________________________, am the organiser of the party visiting the property known as Rua do Seixo No.22, Pregoinho, 3440-136 Couto do Mosteiro, Santa Comba Dão, Viseu, Portugal (web site at, between the dates specified below. I agree that I HAVE READ THIS DISCLAIMER DOCUMENT IN ALL ITS PARTS, I understand that it forms a part of the rental contract, and I agree THAT I WILL ENSURE THAT ALL MEMBERS OF MY VISITING PARTY ARE MADE FULLY AWARE OF AND COMPLY WITH ITS PROVISIONS. Dates of visit: _______________________ to _______________________ TICK ONE BOX: EITHER: [   ] We REQUIRE access to the pool, and WE AGREE TO KEEP OUT OF ANY OTHER DANGEROUS AREAS AT ALL TIMES. OR: [   ] We DO NOT require access to the pool, and WE AGREE TO KEEP OUT OF ALL DANGEROUS AREAS AT ALL TIMES. As the Organiser of this holiday visit, I confirm that I have read the above Disclaimer document, and that I will ensure that all members of my visiting party are made fully aware of and comply with its provisions. Signature of Organiser: _______________________________ Date of signature: _______________________